Saturday, September 6, 2008

Catch the Mess!!

Dinner and movie night! So much family fun! Well, it was easier, in a way when our family was just 2 adults who can usually keep our food on the plate. But it's so much more fun with our baby now! He loves to watch movies with mom and dad during dinner even if he's usually "DONE" before either of us or the movie. The problem though, is that I don't particularly enjoy cleaning the remains of his meal off the carpet. At one point we had this plastic thing that I'd try to tote out and put under his seat, but it was bulky and difficult. Finally one day, brilliance struck. I simply walked to the linen closet and pulled out a colored towel. It fit wonderfully under the high chair, and had enough coverage on both sides to catch the occasional fly away. Plus when we were done I just folded it up, took it out the door and shook. The dog really enjoyed picking up the extra treats, and I just tossed the towel in the washer. Perfect!

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